SportsIcon Lion Club Sport Tickets Giveaway
Are you ready to end the year on a high with the SportsIcon Lion Club?
We’re happy to announce another exclusive opportunity for our Lion Club Holders!
We’ve listened to the community and we’ve listened to the elected Lion Club board, and we will be sending Lion Club holders to sports events around the world.

It’s your chance to have your say on the sports events you’d like to attend from October to December 2023.
We have sent sports fans and NFT enthusiasts to sporting events for over two years, and now it’s time to reward our holders with more tickets.
How to Enter:
Participating in the SportsIcon Worldwide Sport Tickets Giveaway is simple:
- Complete the Entry Form: Start by filling out the entry form provided. Be sure to provide accurate information to ensure smooth communication throughout the process.
- Share Your Sports Wishlist: Name the tickets, events, and dates you’d like to attend. Whether it’s catching your favourite NFL team in action or witnessing a thrilling Premier League showdown, this is your chance to make it happen.
- Board Review: All entries will be thoughtfully reviewed by the Lion Club board. Rest assured that your preferences will be carefully considered. The Lion Club board meet on the last Wednesday of each month.
- Monthly Decisions: Decisions on which events to purchase tickets for will be made by the Lion Club board on the last Wednesday of each month, starting in September and continuing through October and November.
- Notification of Success: Successful applicants will be notified within five days of the board meeting via the contact information provided in the entry form.
- Ticket Acquisition: Once you receive confirmation, you’ll be asked to burn at least one Lion NFT in exchange for the tickets. The number of Lions to be burned will depend on factors such as the number of tickets, ticket prices, and ticket standards, all determined by the board.
Why You Should Participate: Participating in the SportsIcon Worldwide Sport Tickets Giveaway comes with several benefits:
- Unforgettable Sports Experiences: Imagine being in the stands, cheering for your favourite team or athlete in action. This is your opportunity to make sports memories that will last a lifetime.
- Personalized Sports Choices: You have the power to choose the sports events that matter most to you. Name your preferred events, dates, and even the country where they take place.
- Exclusive Access: As a Lion Club Holder, you’re already part of an exclusive community. This giveaway adds an extra layer of exclusivity, giving you a chance to attend the events you’re most passionate about.
- The Power of NFTs: Burning Lions for tickets not only grants you access to your chosen events but also contributes to the scarcity and value of remaining Lion NFTs, benefiting the entire Lion Club community.
Want to double your chances? Maybe invite a friend to buy a lion, apply for tickets and burn a lion too.
The SportsIcon Worldwide Sport Tickets Giveaway is a celebration of sports fandom, the power of NFTs, and the vibrant Lion Club community.
Fill out the entry form, name your dream sports event, and get ready for an unforgettable experience. We can’t wait to see you in the stands, cheering for your favourite teams and athletes and representing the SportsIcon Lion Club.
For more updates and to enter the giveaway check our official Twitter @LionClubOff and the announcements in the Pride Discord Channel (You must own a lion for Pride Discord Entry)
Why not tweet your excitement and anticipation about our Ticket Giveaways now? Don’t forget to tag us @SportsIcon and @LionClubOff
Any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them on Twitter or Discord.
Good Luck!
Disclaimer: Terms and conditions apply. Please read the full terms and conditions before participating in the giveaway.